welcome to
immanuel australia church

Embracing the Gospel
Reaching Out the World

"You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God"

worship information
Sunday Worship

At Church

9:30 am

Wed Fri
Weekday Worship

At Church

7:30 pm

our vision

To raise 300 evangelism disciples, to raise disciples from 237 nations and 5000 ethnic groups and next generation as the spiritual summit for world evangelisation.


Sed ac nunc vitae risus cursus iaculis et sit amet nunc vestibulum blandit ultrices massa ut eleifend.

what we belive

Sed ac nunc vitae risus cursus iaculis et sit amet nunc vestibulum blandit ultrices massa ut eleifend.


Sed ac nunc vitae risus cursus iaculis et sit amet nunc vestibulum blandit ultrices massa ut eleifend.

Our Mission

"Faith to Christ, Love to Believers (Eph1:15)
그리스도를 향한 믿음을, 성도를 향한 사랑을 (엡1:15)"
gospel movement

Life concluded with the Gospel
복음으로 결론 난 인생

discipleship movement

Church that raises disciples of Christ
그리스도의 제자를 세우는 교회

remnant movement

Church that relays Christ, the eternal covenant to the next generations.
후대에 영원한 언약 그리스도를 전달하는 교회

healing ministry

Gospel-oriented Biblical Christian healing ministry
성경에기초한 복음적 기독교 치유사역

world evangelisation

Church that is aligned to evangelisation of Australia, Oceania and the world.
호주와 오세아니아 복음화, 세계복음화에 방향을 맞춘 교회

Witness of christ

Church of witnesses that puts all for evangelisation and missions, as a role model in world missions.
전도와 선교에 All-In 하는 세계선교에 롤 모델이 되는 증인의 교회

Latest News about Our Missions
선교현장 최근 소식

Find out the latest news and updates about our ministry in missions fields to save 237 nations and 5000 ethnic groups in the world.

전세계 237 나라와 5000 종족을 살리는 선교의 여정 속에 있는 임마누엘 호주교회의 선교사역과 현장 소식을 전합니다.

Our Latest Events
최근 교회 소식

Do you want to know about recent events and activities at our church? Check out here.

우리 교회의 중요한 행사들과 활동들을 확인해 보세요.

learn more

Our Ministry Team

Vivamus ultricies fermentum erat, vel congue nisi tincidunt dignissim. Aliquam blandit, urna nec dapibus auctor, nibh sapien rutrum tortor.

Rose Kwon

Associate Pastor


Faiane Avealuga

Associate Pastor (Samoa)


Ji Ra

Assistant Pastor (Ohio, USA)


"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teacing them to obey everything I have commanded you. and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
